Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Hand, Second Hand...

  The time has finally come to show you some of my first and second hand finds and I'm so excited!

     My bedside table was looking a little sparse with only a lamp (Target) and a turquoise bird (Urban Home), so I set out to find some fun accessories!  My first find: air plants.  Air plants don't need dirt to grow (thus the name...) and you only need to run them under water every few days!  (I'm ALL ABOUT low maintenance. :) )  I was thrilled about them, but then realized I had no way of displaying them in my room...obviously just sitting them on my bedside table wouldn't be very attractive. I found some great glass containers and wahlah!  (I, admittedly, know little about getting the best deals on second hand, all you experienced thrift store shoppers and garage salers will just have to bear with me!)  Well, here are the air plants and one succulent plant in their new "homes":

     This round vase was about $2.50 at the Salvation Army and the rocks are from my backyard!  I love the desert look...very fitting for southern California geography and climate.

     I found this tall jar/vase at the Goodwill for around $3.00  I filled it with white decorative rock my mom had left over in her third grade classroom.

     I found this little teal vase at a Salvation Army in downtown Pasadena for around $ has little air bubbles all over it which adds great character and texture!
     This next find is my absolute favorite so far!  I have always loved these insulators and recently went on a hunt for some of my own.  I found a website where they're sold...(apparently there's a whole network of people who collect them in from different countries and varied sizes and shapes!)  Some can be pretty expense, but I found this little pair for $6.00 (S&H not included).  Then I added a few decorative rocks and this piece was complete!

Combining these pieces with the turquoise bird the beside table was complete:

     I originally had three fake succulents in these little pots, but after a trip to downtown L.A. I replaced them with live ones for only $.89 each! (The succulent shown above was also found in L.A. for the same price.)

Their new home on the dresser...   Also - (Flowers: Urban Home;  lotus flower candle holder: Kohl's.)

     This next item is inspired by some of my best friends, Tasha and Eric, who showed me this fun project! I found this ceramic vase at The Salvation Army for about $3.00.  Once you have the container you want to use, buy a cheap candle from the Dollar Store (one with a scent you like, of course), melt it down on the stove (take the wick out once you can), and pour the hot wax into your container.  Using a chopstick laid across the top, hang the wick as straight as you can over the center of the candle, and set it aside until it hardens up again!  I already had a Bath & Bodyworks candle in my room which perfectly (and conveniently...) fit in the container without having to melt it down, but next time.  It's great because you'll never have to find the right size candle to fit your container anymore and helps your space look finished.

     This last item is a hand-me-down clothes hamper from Tasha.  I'm contemplating making it black, but want to avoid cheesiness/tackiness...I'll possibly use the last of the 2-1 spray paint, but not sure.

     I have much, much more to show you, but that'll have to be at another time, so...check back soon for posts on my thrift store fabric finds and recent photography adventures! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011


Has it taken me FOREVER to post this? Yes. Am I wordy? Yes.  Am I thorough? Yes.  Regardless...enjoy! :)

So, in one of my firsts posts I mentioned that I got into pillow-making while decorating my room at home.  Well, many of you heard about the redecorating as it was going on, but never saw the finished product.  I'm  really sad I don't have "before" pictures for you, for which I deeply apologize, but should just be thankful I'm FINALLY getting around to posting pictures of it at all, right?! :)

the top of my dresser
     Originally, I was trying to go for more of an eclectic countryish style, but...while the over all style of the room turned out a little different than I'd planned, the eclecticism (is that even a word?) came through the locations of my purchases! I had things from Target, Home Goods, Downtown L.A., Goodwill, Salvation Army, Craig's List, Kohl's, Sears, JCPenny, Hong Kong (I know, makes me sound "soooooo cool" when I say that I have something from Hong Kong, huh?? haha) and a few other places.  I couldn't believe it!

     The bed was one my brother and sister-in-law gave to my parents when they upgraded.  It's been a huge blessing to have when my siblings spend the night over the holidays!!  The bed posts were originally a finished natural oak coupled with the metalwork you see....I sanded the posts a little bit by hand so the paint would hold better.  I spray painted them (yes, you heard me right...spray paint) with a 2-1 paint that covered them beautifully in a matte finish.  (side note: I unscrewed the heads of the posts and stuck them into the lid of a cardboard box and sprayed them that way. :)

     My bedside table is one of my favorite pieces in the room.  I found this Ethan Allen end table on Craig's List for around $80 and talked the woman down to $55...when I bought it, it was the natural wood (which I felt horrible about painting, but...I wanted a matching set so...).  With a little sanding, a fresh coat of paint, and a new drawer pull it looked like a whole different piece!  I'll be doing another blog post on a few of the accessory pieces you see around the room so check back in later for an "accessory close-up". :)

     Ok, ok...before any of you go into shock at the number of picture frames, may I remind you that I also dabble in photography.  Ironically...many of the frames are empty (while it doesn't appear so, my photography is doing quite well lately...I just have yet to print out images and fill the frames!).  Again, the pillows on the bed are from a bunch of different places...

     The dresser is a hand-me-down that my siblings and I have shared for years!  Just before it became an addition to my room, it was white with red and white checked drawer pulls...classy, huh? :)  Well, I did the usual sanding and painting that I did on the other pieces in the room then changed out the drawer pulls to match the bedside table!  The curtains and curtain rod were from Target and Walmart respectively (the rod is a simple extendable one with an "L" bracket attachment while the curtains are a light gray with silver grommets).

     I used Martha Steward and Behr (I believe) paint from Home Depot.  Now, I know many of you are probably wondering how I used two different paint brands together and where? because the walls all look like they're the same color.  Well, first of all...a previous employer of mine had the MS color in her living room and I fell in love.  I got the information about it from here then I literally walked around the paint section holding up my paint card with MS's "Hosta" and tried to find a lighter shade that I liked (never mind that I could have just had them add white to the paint...that would have been too easy. :) ).  Well, the picture/window walls are the MS paint and the closet/dresser walls the lighter color.
Also, please notice the "W" on the wall next to the door for "Walter"...that's all, just notice its existence. pleaseandthankyou.

     Well, that's an official tour of my newly redecorated (though now, it's been nearly a year) bedroom!  It's definitely more contemporaryish, but I've fallen in love with the end product, so...I can't complain. :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Items for Sale!!

Well, I guess I assumed too highly of myself...I didn't put out a new post as promised, BUT...I will tell you that I have two new items up for sale in my shop.  Check them out! (just click on the icon for my shop in the column to the right)  Also, I finally got around to taking pictures of some of my thrift store finds and plan on posting them sometime this week...if I can get my act together, right??  :)

I took a trip from Wednesday to Sunday of this last week with a friend of mine where we trekked up to the Central Valley and stayed with her parents in a little town called Ceres, CA.  We spent much of the week planning and prepping for a baby shower my friend was throwing for her sister. We had a blast spending time together, cleaning up the house and yard, buying food, putting together decorations, wrapping gifts, picnics and naps in the yard, and walks in their neighbor's orchard.  It was so much fun, but I have to's been an extremely long time since I've been that tired (yes, even when I was in college!).  :)  All that to say, there will also be shower pictures coming your way!!

I leave on the 2nd of June to work at Hume Lake for the summer, so...I have until then to keep you all caught up with my adventures!  Lord-willing, HandmadeJEMs will be traveling with me, so...don't worry! :)

Well, until later...