Monday, May 16, 2011

New Items for Sale!!

Well, I guess I assumed too highly of myself...I didn't put out a new post as promised, BUT...I will tell you that I have two new items up for sale in my shop.  Check them out! (just click on the icon for my shop in the column to the right)  Also, I finally got around to taking pictures of some of my thrift store finds and plan on posting them sometime this week...if I can get my act together, right??  :)

I took a trip from Wednesday to Sunday of this last week with a friend of mine where we trekked up to the Central Valley and stayed with her parents in a little town called Ceres, CA.  We spent much of the week planning and prepping for a baby shower my friend was throwing for her sister. We had a blast spending time together, cleaning up the house and yard, buying food, putting together decorations, wrapping gifts, picnics and naps in the yard, and walks in their neighbor's orchard.  It was so much fun, but I have to's been an extremely long time since I've been that tired (yes, even when I was in college!).  :)  All that to say, there will also be shower pictures coming your way!!

I leave on the 2nd of June to work at Hume Lake for the summer, so...I have until then to keep you all caught up with my adventures!  Lord-willing, HandmadeJEMs will be traveling with me, so...don't worry! :)

Well, until later...

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